Hello! I decided to write a blog about living my religion. I am a Mormon. I love being a Mormon. It's not always been easy, but I've found that the greater the sacrifice, the greater the blessings. This blog is going to be where I talk about what it's like being a Mormon, some jargon, some stories of what it was like growing up, going to school, dating a as teenager, college life, what it's like now. Probably everything you wanted to know about Mormonism and more. Shall we get started? Okaaaaay!
First topic: What is a Mormon? A Mormon is a nickname given to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's kind of a long title, but it's the official name of the church. What does it mean? I like to call it the Church of Jesus Christ for Modern Christians. You see, in the early New Testament times, members of the church were called saints. Saints in our lexicon isn't some person above or more holy than the rest of us rabble, it is who we are striving to become; followers of Christ, but in the 2000's not 100's, so we're Modern.
Next I'd like to clear up some common misconceptions about Mormons or Latter Day Saints (Modern Christians). Mormons can dance, wear make up, wear pants, cut their hair, read Harry Potter. However, we feel Heavenly Father (our more intimate and personal name for God) has asked us to abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and premarital sex. I will try delve into this topic later, along with views on chastity and modesty. Neither do we practice polygamy.
Last, if you have sincere questions about Mormons or what we believe, I can refer you to Mormon.org for further answers.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading.
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